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Bridge the Gap in Your Smile with a Custom-Made Dental Bridge

January 31, 2014

BridgeIn our last post, we mentioned that many patients will at some point need cosmetic or restorative care. Sometimes the reason a patient needs restorative care is that he or she is missing one or more teeth. When that happens, it’s very important to replace what’s missing.

Why is replacing missing teeth important? Because you need a full set of teeth to enjoy a nutritious diet. What’s more, teeth help you enunciate when you talk, and they give you the confidence to smile at friends, family member, or even strangers. Missing teeth can also create wrinkles, affecting your appearance.

One of the ways Dr. Renee Corbitt is helping Fort Worth-area patients restore missing teeth is with a custom-made dental bridge. A dental bridge fills in the gap(s) in your smile, improving its functionality and appearance. They’re sometimes made of gold but can also be made of porcelain or a combination of other materials.

Often, a bridge is attached to healthy teeth on either end of the gap, known as abutment teeth. Because your dental bridge relies so strongly on these teeth for support, caring for them with regular brushing and floss, plus routine checkups and cleanings, is important. Dr. Corbitt can help you with both your dental bridge and with regular preventive care, so that your smile remains healthy and complete going forward.

Do you want to know if a dental bridge would help you? Call Renee Corbitt’s Fort Worth dental office today for a special consultation appointment. We’re very happy to offer restorative dental care to patients from Fort Worth and all nearby communities.

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