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Your Fort Worth Dentist Wants to Help You Avoid Cavities

January 21, 2016

Filed under: general dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — renee @ 3:34 pm


No doubt you’ve heard the expression, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Dr. Corbitt and her team are dedicated to helping their patients practice prevention in order to avoid the cure. In particular, we want to help you and your family prevent tooth decay so you can avoid needing a filling or even a dental crown to repair the cavity. We’d like to offer you some tips on how you can prevent cavities.

First, let’s consider how a cavity happens in the first place. Every time you eat, whether you’re having a meal or a snack, the bacteria that live naturally in your mouth eat, too—so to speak. As they feed on the small particles of food left on your teeth, these bacteria produce acid, and it is this acid that can cause tooth decay.

The Dentist in Fort Worth Says Brush!

When you brush and floss your teeth every day, you do two things: you reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth and you remove the acids that can lead to cavities. Although it’s impossible to remove all of the bacteria in your mouth—and in fact, some bacteria are necessary to assist with digestion and help keep the bad bacteria in check—eliminating some is helpful. When you brush, be sure to use a soft toothbrush that has round-tipped bristles. And always choose a toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that penetrates the tooth structure. In doing so, it strengthens your teeth by replacing the minerals a tooth loses as a result of acid damage.

Flossing is just as important as brushing. When you floss, you remove food debris from between your teeth as well as plaque buildup. Plaque is that sticky substance that starts accumulating right after you brush—and it only takes about an hour for a measurable amount to accumulate. Hiding inside plaque are the troublesome decay-causing bacteria. Thus, removing plaque from tooth surfaces as well as between teeth is a key to avoiding cavities.

For patients who are more prone to cavities, Dr. Corbitt may recommend dental sealants. These protective coatings are applied to the biting surface of your molars and premolars. Sealants go on as a clear liquid and then dry to a solid that forms a barrier between teeth and bacteria and acid.

Call Our Office Today

Another important step you should take to avoid cavities is a dental checkup. If it’s time for your biannual checkup, then call the office of Dr. Corbitt, the dentist 76132 turns to for complete dental care.  We serve patients in Fort Worth, TX, Arlington, Richland Hills, Forest Hill and Haltom City and throughout the DFW Metroplex.

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