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Benefit from TMJ Therapy in Fort Worth

December 23, 2016

Filed under: TMJ therapy — Tags: — renee @ 1:54 am

Your dentist for TMJ therapy in Fort Worth.Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Maybe you have difficulty opening and closing your jaw? If so, you could be suffering from a disorder of the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorders occur when the joint on either side of the face that connects the jaw to the skull functions incorrectly. This leads to pain and a decreased quality of life as everyday tasks like eating and speaking become affected. To resolve the pain and to restore your quality of life, you need TMJ therapy in Fort Worth.

What is a TMJ Disorder?

A TMJ disorder can occur for a number of reasons, such as injury to the joint or arthritis. No matter the cause, living with TMJ can be quite unpleasant without the right treatment. TMJ disorders cause the joint to lose proper function. As a result, it often becomes difficult to eat and speak. In addition to the joint being painful, it can become swollen. Often, there is a clicking, popping, or grating sound when the jaw is opened and closed. It is not uncommon for the jaw to lock into an opened or closed position.

The jaw is not the only area that can be affected by the disorder. Many experience chronic headaches. In addition, the pain can affect other areas of the body as well, such as the neck and upper shoulders. When left untreated, you can develop pain in the ears or ringing in the ears. If the condition continues to progress, your overall health can become impacted. The lack of jaw function can cause dietary restrictions, leading to poor nutrition.

How is TMJ Treated?

While the causes and symptoms of TMJ are quite diverse, treatment of the condition is fairly simple with TMJ therapy. As a dentist in Fort Worth, Dr. Renee Corbitt offers TMJ treatment to help you regain your quality of life.

Treatment for TMJ involves the use of a custom-made oral appliance. The oral appliance is noninvasive and removable. In order to begin your treatment, you will first require a consultation to evaluate your jaw and bite to create a plan to resolve your discomfort. Then, you will be fitted with the appliance to move your jaw into a more natural alignment.

In addition to the oral appliance, there are several lifestyle changes and things you can do at home to help manage the stress and anxiety associated with the disorder. This can include flexibility exercises for the joint, stress management techniques, and methods to help manage the painful symptoms of the disorder. With the right therapy plan, you will stop the pain and discomfort of TMJ to restore your quality of life.

If you are ready to take back control of your life with TMJ therapy, it is time to contact Dr. Corbitt’s office to schedule your consultation. We offer the nonsurgical and effective treatment options to stop your pain while improving your quality of life. We will develop a personized treatment plan to give you the comfort you have been craving.

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