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Your Dentist in Ft Worth, TX Discusses Healthy Eating Habits For Oral Health

June 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:44 am

Healthy eating habits equals good oral health. More from your dentist in Ft. Worth, TX.Most of us understand that sugar is the number one enemy of our teeth. Sugar fuels the acids that cause tooth decay and cavities. Did you know that eating fruits and vegetables is not only good for your body, but it actually promotes oral health? When you eat fruits and vegetables it neutralizes acids and increases your saliva flow, which helps wash away the food debris and plaque that causes tooth decay. Your dentist in Ft. Worth, TX discusses how healthy eating habits promote optimum oral health.

Healthy Snacking

Did you know that how often you eat is as important as what you eat? For optimum oral health, snacking throughout the day should be limited. This is because snacks tend to stick to your teeth longer, making them more susceptible to cavity causing acids, especially if you snack on sugary, starchy or sticky foods that stick in the grooves of your teeth. If you do snack during the day, brushing your teeth if possible afterwards greatly reduces your risk for tooth decay.

This same rule also applies to sweet drinks and beverages that we sip throughout the day. Even your sweetened coffee or tea is continually bathing your teeth in acids as you drink it each morning. The beverage of choice for your teeth is water, as it also helps to wash away acids and food debris from snacks and meals.

Regular Dental Visits

It’s important to monitor your oral health in order to successfully prevent conditions such as gum disease and tooth decay. It’s recommended that you see your dentist every six months or twice per year. They will screen your for these issues at your regular cleaning and check ups, and your dentist can detect any issues or concerns much earlier than you can, which means more successful and less invasive treatment for you.

Your hygienist can suggest tips and techniques that will help you improve your home care routine and prevent many of these issues from happening in the first place.

Dr. Renee Corbitt has been providing high quality dental care to patients in Ft. Worth, TX for decades. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health for a lifetime, and we do that by offering excellent patient care partnered with quality dentistry. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment. Optimum oral health is just a phone call away!

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